Global Climate Psychology for a Just Future
We are an emerging global network of climate psychology groups. The network is coming to life through participation and learning from and giving support to each other.
We encourage all psychologists and psychotherapists from around the world in all countries to join networks or set up their own and fight for just adaptation, mitigation and prevention of the ongoing climate crisis and its effects.
It is the biggest threat to health including psychological health we will be facing for the rest of this century. Therefore all psychologists and psychotherapists are called to action.
We just finished the first symposiums and are looking forward to organizing more international workshops next year. Thank you to all who helped organize it, all who offered workshops and all who contributed and joined.
You can find the keynotes on youtube:
Online Symposium on 14th Oct.2023

working together facing the global climate crisis
Come together
as climate psychology groups for support, solidarity and mutual learning.
Campaign together
lobbying international bodies whether governments or corporations
Share medico-legal expertise
Help each other build and strengthen legal cases
Develop international resources
Collect and share ressources related to climate crisis from a psychological perspective
Run international events
Organise small and large online and presence gatherings, trainings, workshops and conferences
Strengthen the voice of our professions
Get more people from our professions to join the wide range of activities needed to tackle this crisis
Member groups

UK-based CPA, formed in 2009 and launched in 2011, has been at the forefront of developing the ideas and practices of climate psychology and has initiated the founding of Climate Psychology International. The CPA website is rich in resources including a Handbook of Climate Psychology and Podcasts.
CPA North America

Join at the Sparrow level and become a member of our flock! You’ll receive our newsletter, plus a bird pin that you can wear with pride when you’re out in nature.
Psychologists & Psychotherapists for Future

We are a trans-institutional and non-party affiliated climate advocacy group of psychologists and psychotherapists. We offer counseling to activists, inform the public via speeches & social media and protest together with Fridays for Future for our common goals.
CPA Central Europe

Joseph Dodds in Prague is the contact person for a Central Europe group, with members currently in Prague, Brno, Bratislava, and Budapest. All interested psychologists, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and related professions are welcome to get involved.
Exctionction Rebellion Psychologists

We are a group of academic and practitioner psychologists united by our fear of the impact of the Climate and Ecological Emergency.
Psychology for a Safe Climate

Working in Australia, our purpose is to contribute psychological understanding and support within the community, helping people face the difficult climate reality.

EcoPsi is a group of psychology professionals, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, climate justice activists and other people interested in promoting mental health and psychological well-being in the current scenario of planetary crisis and climate change.
We aim to strengthen the exchange of information and best practices in the field of climate psychology, as well as coordinating international efforts in the context of climate emergency.
Psychozaklimu Slovakia

We are psychologists and psychology students from Slovakia who are interested in the environment and the climate crisis. Our aim is to spread knowledge about the intersection of psychology and the climate crisis among professionals and public and empower people to help themselves, other and the environment. We are an informal grouping and our motivation is to support the climate movement.
Green Psychology – Russia

The Green Psychology project is a group of psychologists, coaches and eco-activists interested in developing climate psychology in Russia. The project covers several areas, including support groups for people with eco-anxiety and eco-activists who suffer from burnout, as well as education for psychologists and scientific research.

Group of Psychologists in Italy concerned with the climate crisis.

Klimaatpsychologie.com is a Dutch network of Climate Pyschologists. Their aim is to spread scientific knowledge in a practical way in Dutch. The information is ready to use, so that psychologist can easily take their role in making sustainability normal in the Netherlands.
If you want to create your own group and join our network, we are always looking for new partners and organisations and can certainly help you create your own network as well.
As we are still setting up the network, our different organisations can help with different tasks.
You can contact us by writing at mail@psyfuture.org